Nearly 20 percent of Costa Rica is set aside in National Parks and Reserves. Eleven different habitats are the home to 205 mammals, 920 birds, 160 amphibians, 218 reptiles, over 1000 different fresh and saltwater fish and countless numbers of insects. Approximately 10,000 species of vascular plants have been identified which is nearly 4 percent of the total number of species in the world. This is why Costa Rica has become the ultimate destination for students, researchers and eco-tourists.
Single Sheet Marine Series
These are our popular flat laminated guides to Costa Rica's reef fish, sport fish, and marine mammals.
The full color illustrations are beautifully detailed and are accompanied by the name of the fish or whale in English, Latin, and Spanish, and some of the vital statistics such as typical size.
Sport Fish
Field Guide

Marine Mammal
Field Guide

Caribbean Reef Fish
Field Guide

Pacific Coast
Reef Fish Guide

All the single sheet field guides are 7" by 11" (17.85 cm by 28 cm), double-sided, laminated to withstand the elements, and printed on high quality stock with durable UV-resistent inks.
Artists include Alina Suárez and Uko Gorter.